“Dear All,

Further to our correspondence over the past months, please note that a project webpage has been setup by our colleagues at Cyngor Gwynedd at the following:

On the webpage, we will provide bi-monthly updates on the project and key information of relevance to yourselves as key stakeholders and wider members of the public. The update for July 2024 should be available by the end of this week on the webpage, however please find it attached for your reference.

We would appreciate if you could please share the webpage links with anyone with interest in the project and hopefully this will be a good starting point going forward to deal with any queries anyone has. You are also welcome to reach out to us via this email (LlanbedrWelTAG@wsp.com), where we can forward on requests to colleagues at Cyngor Gwynedd, or to your local community and/or county councillors.

Kindest Regards,

Abby Morris, on behalf of the Llanbedr WelTAG Project Team”